What Women Want

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Shiri Cohen, Ph.D. of Harvard Medical School and Mass General Hospital, is the lead author on some great new couples research that’s pertinent to EFT.  She and her team have completed a fascinating study!  Below are links to the journal article as well as to some responses from public media outlets (NPR & Time’s Healthland). Here’s a blurb:

Surprisingly, the researchers found, women were more likely to report higher relationship satisfaction when they could read their partners’ anger or frustration than when they could identify their happiness. No, it’s not that women revel in their significant others’ distress; rather, it’s that they prefer negative emotion to withdrawal or silence. “For women, seeing their husband or boyfriend upset is a reflection of their partner’s emotional engagement. When women see their male partners sharing their negative emotions, they see it as a sign of connection, openness and communication. Women don’t like it when men distance themselves during conflict,” says the study’s lead author, Dr. Shiri Cohen of Harvard Medical School.



This is fascinating.  Helps me understand myself better on so many levels!