supervision details

Individual Supervision

While learning EFT I recommend scheduling twice a month in the early stages and monthly as time goes on.  Sessions can be over video conferencing or face-to-face in Arlington, VA.  Please contact me for rates and times.  Those doing monthly individual sessions can attend groups at a discounted rate.

Group Supervision

Groups can be created based on interest.  Please notify me if you would like to be a part of a group.  Participants can register for 6 monthly group sessions at a time.  The rate is $500 for 6 sessions.  Groups are limited to 6 participants.

Supervision Group for EFT Trained Clinicians

Participants in this group have at least completed the 4-day externship.  A more advanced group (post core skills) can be added based on demand.  Please let me know if you are interested.  When I have a group of 4 or more I will open a group.

Supervision Group for Pre-EFT Trained Clinicians

This group is for individuals who have not taken the initial 4-day EFT externship, but may have learned some aspects of EFT through other means.  Participants in this group are learning to incorporate EFT into their individual or couples work.  Please let me know if you are interested.  When I have a group of 4 or more I will open a group.

To contact LuAnn, please complete the form below and you will be contacted as soon as possible:

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